March 6, 2020
Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine (BJVIM)
Pictured left to right: 100+WWC representatives Darice Ahrnsbrak and Barbara Hege; BJVIM Executive Director Pam Toney; 100+WWC representative Mary Blake; and BJVIM Board Member Barbara Elbertson.
Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine was chosen as the recipient of the combined contribution award at the January 14, 2020 quarterly group meeting. This charity was nominated at that meeting and received the most member votes. The total of $10,900 was presented on March 6, 2020.
Their mission is “to provide free medical care in a compassionate and professional manner to the uninsured of great Bluffton and Jasper County with an emphasis on preventative medicine and health education.” More information is available on their website.
November 21, 2019
Programs for Exceptional People (PEP)
Contribution from 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton members accepted by staff and clients of PEP
Programs for Exceptional People was chosen as the recipient of the combined contribution award at the October 2, 2019 quarterly group meeting. This charity was nominated at the meeting and received the most member votes. The total of $11,600 was presented on November 21.
This local nonprofit organization provides a supported environment where their members learn, work, grow, and play. The funds will be used to reinstitute and expand the recreation and leisure programs.
August 14, 2019
Child Abuse Prevention Association (CAPA)
Contribution from 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton members accepted by staff member of CAPA
Pictured left to right: (bottom row) 100+WWC representative Mary Blake; CAPA representative; 100+WWC representative Barbara Hege; member and nominator Jennifer Parker; (top row) previous nominator Janet Fox; and 100+WWC representative Darice Ahrnsbrak.
Child Abuse Prevention Association was chosen as the recipient of the combined contribution award at the July 9, 2019 quarterly group meeting. This charity was nominated at the meeting and received the most member votes. The total of $11,100 was presented on August 14.
This local nonprofit organization’s mission is to break the destructive cycle of child abuse and neglect by equipping parents, children and their caregivers with necessary skills, knowledge and values. Their vision is that all children deserve to be loved, nurtured and kept safe from intentional and unintentional harm. More information is available at
June 5, 2019
Neighborhood Outreach Connection (NOC)
Contribution from 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton members accepted by Executive Director Cynthia Jenkins
Pictured left to right: NOC representative Cynthia Jenkins; 100+WWC representatives Darice Ahrnsbrak and Barbara Hege; member and nominator Beth Brush; and 100+WWC representative Mary Blake.
Neighborhood Outreach Connection was chosen as the recipient of the combined contribution award at the April 9, 2019 quarterly group meeting. This charity was nominated at the meeting and received the most member votes. The total of $10,800 was presented on June 5 at Hampton Lake.
This local nonprofit organization works to improve school performance of at-risk and under-performing students by providing tutoring and health screening within walking distance of the students’ homes. The organization’s stated goal is to “break the pattern of generational poverty, one neighborhood at a time.” The funds will be used to help open two more such neighborhood centers in low-income areas in Bluffton. More information is available at
February 11, 2019
Heroes on Horseback
Contribution accepted by Bob Lee and Laura Kinsey
Pictured left to right: Heroes on Horseback representative Bob Lee; and 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton representatives Darice Ahrnsbrak, Barbara Hege and Rebecca Morris
Heroes on Horseback was chosen as the recipient of the combined contribution award at the January 8, 2019 quarterly group meeting. This charity was nominated at the meeting and received the most member votes. The total of $10,200 was presented on February 11.
This local nonprofit organization is dedicated to assisting veterans and others suffering from physical and emotional disabilities, including autism and PTSD, by using equine-based therapeutic activities. The funds will help Heroes on Horseback purchase a larger horse to add to their ability to serve those who could benefit from their services.
December 6, 2018
Carolina Cups
Contribution accepted by Janet Dishart
Pictured left to right: Nominator Judy Frost; 100+WWC representative Mary Blake; Carolina Cups representatives Laura Morgan and Linda Dishart (with flamingo mascot Fancy); 100+WWC representative Barbara Hege; co-nominator Jamie Haight; and 100+WWC representative Darice Ahrnsbrak.
Carolina Cups was chosen as the recipient of the total contribution award at the October 8 quarterly group meeting. Of the three organizations nominated that evening, Carolina Cups received the most member votes. They accepted an award of $10,300 presented on December 6.
Carolina Cups is a non-profit public charity dedicated to funding breast cancer screening, treatment and research. Unlike other charities, they provide funding for free mammograms, medical assistance and outreach services to the people that need it most, filling a coverage gap without any red tape.
September 5, 2018
Island House (Mental Health America)
Contribution accepted by Jeanne Record
Pictured left to right: 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton representative Darice Ahrnsbrak; nominator and Island House staff member Jeanne Record; and 100+WWC representatives Barbara Hege and Mary Blake.
Island House was chosen as the recipient of the combined contribution award at the July 9, 2018 quarterly group meeting. This charity was nominated at the meeting and garnered the most member votes. They accepted an award of $10,200 presented on September 5.
Island House is a CARF-accredited recovery center for adults, 21 and older, who have been diagnosed with a severe and persistent mental illness. Staff members teach skills in communication, money management, healthy eating and food preparation, stress and anger management, and other areas needed in day-to-day activities. The funds will provide scholarships to those with no other means to afford the services.
May 30, 2018
Lowcountry Legal Volunteers
Contribution accepted by Icela Chapa, Matthew Lindauer and Anne Caywood
Pictured left to right: Lowcountry Legal Volunteers Paralegal Icela Chapa and Associate Attorney Matthew Lindauer; 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton representatives Mary Blake, Barbara Hege, and Darice Ahrnsbrak; and Lowcountry Legal Volunteers Executive Attorney Anne Caywood.
Lowcountry Legal Volunteers received the combined contribution award at the April 10, 2018 quarterly meeting of 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton. This charity, one of three charities nominated at the meeting, garnered the most member votes and accepted an award of $10,100 presented on May 30.
Lowcountry Legal Volunteers provides free, critical legal services and education through community volunteers and retired lawyers to low income individuals and families in Beaufort, Hampton, and Jasper counties.
February 27, 2018
Greener Grass
Contribution accepted by founders Joe Naughton and Jaison Hrobar
Pictured left to right: Greener Grass representative Joe Naughton; 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton representatives Mary Blake, Barbara Hege, Carolyn Day and Darice Ahrnsbrak; and Greener Grass representative Jaison Hrobar.
Greener Grass received the combined contribution award at the January 9, 2018 quarterly meeting of 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton. This charity, one of two charities nominated at the meeting, garnered the most member votes and accepted an award of $9,800, presented on February 27.
The mission of Greener Grass is to ensure that no alcoholic or addict desperate and willing enough to seek help from a treatment facility is denied this life saving opportunity due to their inability to pay either out of pocket or via insurance. Further, they work to lessen the burden of the family that has suffered alongside the afflicted. They also intend – through education, outreach and the changed lives of those they help – to transform the stigma of alcoholics and addicts as being a bane of society, easily marginalized and hidden in plain sight, to being meaningful contributors to a community.
December 12, 2017
Autism Giving Tree Association
Contribution Accepted by AGT Executive Director Lori Spencer and Senior Director Garrett Slemmons![](
Pictured left to right: AGT Development Associate Dolly Gannon ; 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton Treasurer Barbara Hege; Lorrie Spencer; 100WWC representative Carolyn Day; Garrett Slemmons; representatives of 100+WWC Mary Blake and Darice Ahrnsbrak.
Autism Giving Tree Association received the combined contribution award at the October 17, 2017 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton quarterly meeting. This charity, one of two charities nominated at the meeting, garnered the most member votes and accepted an award of $9,100, presented on December 12.
The mission of the Autism Giving Tree Association is to expand access to quality educational, recreational, and therapeutic opportunities for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, family members and care takers of individuals with ASD, and professionals working with individuals with ASD. Their goal is to increase opportunities for continued success at home, school, and in the workplace for individuals with ASD.
September 26, 2017
Lowcountry Dress for Success
Contribution Accepted by Founders of Lowcountry Dress for Success
Pictured: (in back row) Representatives of 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton Darice Ahrnsbrak, nominator Mary Blake, and Barbara Hege; and representatives of Lowcountry Dress for Success Erin Ussery; and (front row) Rachel Anderson and Katy Williams.
Lowcountry Dress for Success received the combined contribution award at the July 11, 2017 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton quarterly meeting. This charity, one of two charities nominated at the meeting, garnered the most member votes and accepted an award of $9,000, presented on September 26.
The Lowcountry Dress for Success group partners with local school social workers to ensure that students whose families could not otherwise afford to purchase them have new school uniforms and accessories. The group believes that dignity is key to success in education, and that having new clothing for school provides a path to that goal.
May 11, 2017
Meals-on-Wheels Bluffton-Hilton Head, Inc.
Contribution Accepted by Members of the Meals-on-Wheels Board of Directors
Pictured: Nominator Darice Ahrnsbrak; other representatives of 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton, Mary Blake and Carolyn Day; and members of the Meals-on-Wheels Board.
Meals-on-Wheels received the combined contribution award at the April 11, 2017 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton quarterly meeting. This charity, one of two charities nominated at the meeting, garnered the most member votes and accepted an award of $8,100, presented on May 11.
Meals-on-Wheels is dedicated to providing their clients with one nutritious meal a day in their own home on a temporary or long-term basis, 5 days a week including holidays. All drivers are volunteers and provide a smile and needed social interaction for their clients.
January 10, 2017
Contribution Accepted by Linda Halpern, Executive Director
Left to Right: Melanie Nelson, Nominator; Barbara Hege, Representative of 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton; Linda Halpern, Executive Director of Family Promise; Darice Ahrnsbrak, Representative of 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton
Family Promise received the combined contribution award at the January 10, 2017 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton quarterly meeting. This charity, one of 3 charities nominated at the meeting, garnered the most member votes and accepted an award of $7,000, presented on February 2 to Linda Halpern, Executive Director.
Family Promise of Beaufort County’s mission is to provide temporary shelter, family stability and permanent housing solutions for homeless families with children by mobilizing resources
from interfaith and secular communities. Their staff provides comprehensive case management and assistance in securing employment, childcare, school placement and ultimately affordable housing. Their vision is that every child will have a home. The Staying On Track program offers continued case management and support for 12-18 months.
November 15, 2016
Contribution Accepted by Kristin Dubrowski, Executive Director
Left to Right: Kristin Dubrowski, Executive Director CODA, Connie Dugan, Nominator, Barbara Hege and Darice Ahrnsbrak, representatives, 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton
CODA, (Citizens Opposed to Domestic Abuse), won the combined contribution award at the November 15, 2016 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton quarterly meeting. This charity, one of 3 charities nominated at the meeting, garnered the most member votes and accepted an award of $7,300. The Big Check was presented on December 14th to Kristin Dubrowski, Executive Director, and Connie Dugan.
“STOP DOMESTIC ABUSE! Safety from violence and freedom from fear are universal rights,” stated Connie Dugan in her opening remarks to nominate CODA. This 501(c)3 provides professional supportive services to victims of intimate partner abuse and their children in Beaufort, Colleton, Hampton and Jasper counties in South Carolina.
Organized in 1986, CODA provides safe shelter for victims of domestic violence and their children as well as court accompaniment, adult counseling, children’s counseling and case management. All services are available to those residing in shelter and, on an outreach basis, to survivors who do not require shelter. In keeping with its mission statement, CODA also has an active community education program.
August 25, 2016
Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton
Contribution Accepted by Molly Smith, Executive Director
Connie Bird nominates Boys & Girls Club Bluffton The “Big Check Presentation” to Executive Director, Molly Smith and Board President, Connie Bird
At the July 26, 2016 meeting, The Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton was awarded the group’s combined contribution of $6,900 after the nomination presented by Connie Bird, their Board President.
Connie told the group that Boys & Girls Club of Bluffton is a safe and fun place for club members to interact with friends, classmates and staff while they participate in a wide variety of educational, recreational, cultural and social activities. Programs are offered every day after school and during the summer for children between the ages of 5 and 18. The Bluffton Club, one of 6 Boys & Girls Clubs in the Lowcountry, was opened in 1998.
At the check presentation, Molly Smith, the club’s executive director, gave a tour of the Bluffton facility and described programs designed to develop the attitudes, skills, values and behaviors that will enable children to succeed in life.
Molly Smith takes 100+WWC members on a tour of the Boys & Girls Club facility
May 20, 2016
Greater Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine
Contribution Accepted by Pamela Toney, Executive Director, at the Bluffton Clinic
At their meeting on April 19, 2016, 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton selected Greater Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine to receive a donation of $6,100 from the members of the group. VIM was nominated by member, Barbara Elbertson, who also serves as Secretary on the Board of Directors for VIM. Barbara said, “These are exciting times for us at BJVIM. As we continue to grow and to bring healthcare to the uninsured of Greater Bluffton and Jasper County, we need your help. While our medical expenses are largely funded through grants, our daily operating expenses are funded by donations from people like you.”
In 2010, a group of concerned citizens recognized the need for a free clinic that would serve the town of Bluffton and Jasper County and by September 2011 Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine opened a clinic. Today the all-volunteer clinic provides medical exams, counseling and nutritional services as well as preventative disease education to over 2,000 eligible uninsured residents in Greater Bluffton and Jasper County. In addition, radiological imaging and lab testing referrals are available. In addition to the physicians and nurses who donate their time and experience, administrative positions are also filled by volunteers who answer phones, greet patients and manage the medical records and other paperwork. Today, approximately 75 volunteers make the day to day operation of the clinic possible.
Board members congratulate Barbara Elbertson on her winning nomination presentation for Greater Bluffton Jasper County Volunteers in Medicine, and later present the check to the winning charity.
Pat Roth, Mary Blake, Darice Ahrnsbrak, Barbara Elbertson, Carolyn Day Pat Roth, Carolyn Day, Barbara Elbertson, Mary Blake, Pamela Toney, Barbara Hege
February 4, 2016
The Literacy Center
Contribution Accepted by Pam Wall, Executive Director
On January 19, 2016, members of the 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton selected The Literacy Center to receive the group contribution of $6,100. Deb Fuller nominated this charity and described a compelling story about their mission. She reported that South Carolina has the 13th highest rate of functional illiteracy in the United States. In Beaufort County, 11% of adults lack basic prose literacy skills; 10% lack a high school education; and there has been a 279% increase in the Spanish-speaking population.
The Literacy Center works to increase adult literacy in reading, writing, math, and speaking skills. Programs include Basic Literacy, Pre-GED, English for Speakers of Other Languages, and Citizenship.
A new program in 2016, Family Literacy 360, brings together children and their parents to develop literacy skills together. The program focuses on the intergenerational cycle of low literacy.
The Literacy Center has been in existence since 1973 and currently serves an average of more than 750 students per year. During the past year, 138 individuals served as tutors to help students achieve their goals.
Carolyn Day, Pat Roth, Barbara Hege, Darice Ahrnsbrak, Deb Fuller, Mary Blake, Jennifer Hubner(AIC), Tabetha Gibbons(AIC) Barbara Hege, Carolyn Day, Pat Roth, Pam Wall, Executive Director, Deb Fuller
November 20, 2015
BackPack Buddies of Bluffton![100WWC](
Contribution Accepted By Sue Kroupa
At their meeting on October 20, 2015, 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton selected BackPack Buddies of Bluffton to receive a donation of $6,100 from the members of the group.
Nominated by Suzanne Hobbs, BackPack Buddies is a nonprofit, all volunteer program which works to combat child hunger. The program was launched in 2011 under the leadership of Ken and Sue Kroupa who were concerned about those children who qualify for free or reduced free breakfast and lunch plans at school during the week, but who are food insecure and may go hungry over the weekend. BackPack Buddies provides nutritious food to elementary and middle school students to take home over the weekends. Children are determined eligible by their school teachers, social workers, and staff. Children with the most need are chosen for the program.
The program was expanded into the summer in conjunction with the Bluffton Farmers Market. At the end of the school year, the children in the BackPack Buddies Program are given vouchers to redeem with certain vendors for fresh produce.
The all volunteer program of Crossroads Community Support Services, continues to grow with new schools and more eligible students. Along with the farmers market, the program is supported by area businesses, churches, and volunteers. Funding is raised through fundraisers, grants and donations. At the end of 2015, BackPack Buddies is serving approximately 650 children per month in the greater Bluffton area schools.
August 11, 2015
Palmetto Autism Connections
Contribution accepted by Jody Snow
On July 21, 2015, members of 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton chose Palmetto Autism Connections to receive the group contribution of $5,600. Palmetto Autism Connections was nominated by Melanie Nelson, who works with autistic children. This program, who recently received their 501(c)3 status, brings autistic children and their families together to share information, to support each other, and provide therapeutic equipment. The program also plans interactive activities for the families and children.
Jody Snow and her husband Ric, two of the founders of Palmetto Autism Connections, are parents of three children, one with special needs. Parker, 4, was diagnosed with autism in 2012. The Snow’s vision was to bring families together to help each other with the life skills they now faced, especially with the limited number of professional care providers in the area. There are approximately 20 families currently in the Palmetto Autism Connections network. Additional resources will help this program to reach more families, to fund their activities and equipment and recruit volunteers.
Congratulations to Palmetto Autism Connections!
April 21, 2015
THA GROUP Island Hospice
Contribution accepted by Ellen Bolch, President and CEO
The charity chosen at the first meeting of 100+Women Who Care Greater Bluffton was Island Hospice, nominated by Jennifer Hubner. THA Group’s Island Hospice is a patient centered concept of care available to those with life-limiting illnesses. Their services allow clients and families to focus on being together. Island Hospice was formed as a nonprofit organization to provide Compassionate End-of-Life Care to patients in their homes. Congratulations to this organization on being chosen our first winner! We raised $4,900 for this very worthy organization.